Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August 1, 2012 - Each day we will be sharing the deep thoughts of dogs in the rescue.  I have never written a blog before and feel the dogs have many great things to say, so they will be assisting in writing this blog.  As this is the first official blog, today we will share the thoughts of Abby.  As a little background, Abby was rescued from a shelter in South Carolina.  She was the mom of 9 puppies who she raised and who all have been adopted into wonderful homes.  Abby had a mangled leg which she dragged around, likely from being caught in a hunting trap or being hit by a car.  The shoulder had been dislocated and her toes were broken.  The muscles had atrophied because it had never been set or healed correctly.  Abby's leg was amputated a month ago.  She was also heartworm positive and has gone through 2 months of treatment. 

Abby - Today is the first day of the rest of my life.  I am heartworm free today, having completed 2 months of awful pills and other things I had to swallow every day.  While I accepted these with grace, I can tell you it was awful!  I have discovered that I LOVE to sleep on the bed with my people or on my bed on the floor but am not much of a couch dweller.  I feel so light and airy.  I was told all dogs have 3 legs and a spare, so I gave up my spare.  Oh, and I saw on Facebook that my kids are doing well.  So nice of them to check in once in a while!  It's been a little tough because I was told 2 adopters were interested in me but changed their minds.  Everyone said not to worry, and sure enough, today someone else has asked about adopting me.  Paws crossed!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see a blog for this great organization! My family and I adopted Jasper (aka the love of my life hehe) from tails of courage in late December 2011. He was one of the pointer puppies and is truly amazing. I can't imagine my house without him parading around with a bone hanging out of his mouth. Thanks to tails of courage for being that connection to bringing Jasper into my life.

    If any other pointer pup families want to connect, I'd love to try to see how the pups are Doing. I have contact with one family though Facebook and would appreciate any way to get in touch with others.
